Even if you haven’t necessarily realised it, every one of us with an email address has most likely seen an example of email marketing. Whether it’s a newsletter from your favourite brand or news of a sale from a shop you frequently visit, these are all types of email marketing.
Email marketing is an effective form of marketing as it gives you a direct line of communication between you and your customers. It allows you to make the communication feel more personal to the recipient.
GoCampaign is a marketing automation platform that greatly assists in creating an effective email campaign even if you are new to the world of email marketing.
The built-in email builder in GoCampaign is where you create the email seen by your contacts and is, therefore, key to your campaign. This easy-to-use feature allows you to separate sections of your email in columns, include relevant images, as well as link call-to-actions. With drag and drop functionality, it’s easy to make your emails personalised, eye-catching and engaging.
GoCampaign also allows you to write a plain text version of your email which means your campaign can be more accessible to your customers. You can do this in the Advanced tab when you edit your email.
Segments in GoCampaign allow you to categorise your contacts into sections such as by company or subscription status. This feature of GoCampaign makes targeting the right audience with your email marketing campaigns easy as they are already grouped together in relevant segments.
To create a segment for your email, you can either import a CSV file (a spreadsheet), create it manually, or use an integration to do it for you. For example, the SugarCRM integration allows you to automatically create a segment by creating a target list within SugarCRM.
A key way in which you can see if your email campaigns are effective is through analytics. GoCampaign can inform you how many people opened your emails as well as how many people clicked any links or call-to-actions. You are able to see this in easy to read graphs and charts. This information can show you what kind of links people are more likely to click on and what your audience is less interested in. You can then better tailor your content to what your customers respond to and prepare for future campaigns.
A must-have for an email marketing platform is to have the ability to schedule your email campaigns. This is essential as it means you don’t have to rely on your own memory in order to remember to send out an email - GoCampaign will automatically send it out at the time and date you have scheduled. This also means you can schedule campaigns very far in advance.
Arrange a free consultation with one of our team for more information on GoCampaign.
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